Welcome 2012!! In my posting on the actress A.J. Johnson, star of "House Party" and "Baby Boy", she said after her father died of cancer, she had no more motivation for acting. She said she sat down and put together her "Happy List", the things that would make her happy. She said it was interesting that acting wasn't even on the list.
I am a Computer and IT type of person, and although I am not a "make a list" kind of guy, I ran through my head a very loose "happy list". Similar to A.J. , I found that Corporate America, Information Technology, Computers, and everything I went to college for wasn't even on the list.
If you have been checking out this blog, obviously my passions are food and health. Anyone who knows me knows that what would make me most happy is to live in tropical weather, the Caribbean, Hawaii, Tahiti, you feel me.
Let me digress for a second. There is a good book, relatively popular since the author, Rhonda Bryne, appeared on Oprah, called "The Secret". in a nutshell, the book basically is saying that whatever you think or say, you put that energy our into the universe and that the universe will respond by brining those things to reality. For me, it wasn't a new concept, me being an avid reader of Philosophy, quantum physics and such, it always seemd to be a valid concept. The transcendentalist Edward Carpenter wrote a book called "The Art of Creation", where he said reality begins in the internal spirit, mind, and psyche. Those thoughts, feelings, ideas and such, always move from the inner realms towards the external realities that we call the Earth, the space-time continuum, the real world, or whatever.
Anyhoo, when I think about my "happy list", I am amazed at the simplicity of it. I'm lucky because I'm a naturally happy person anyway, mom use to say I came out of the womb laughing. Now don't get me wrong, my happy is gonna require some cash for the things I wanna do , but making cash is not on the list. As I said before I'm not a "list" kinda person, but I will put the list here.
The Happy List
- -Live in Tropical weather
- -Inspire people about healthy eating
- -Drop anchor on my boat on a Caribbean beach
- -Stay healthy
- -Wake up daily to mile long jog on a tropical beach
- -Have healthy fulfilling relationships
- -Having a still mind
- -Find the "Kingdom of Heaven" within
- -Cook in my tropical outdoor kitchen
- -Have an organic Herb Garden and Orchard
Short Story Long, that's about it. Perhaps this posting is just to take advantage of the Blogosphere to throw my energy out into the universe, get it down on paper just for the record. And to let the power of The Secret, Quantum Physics, and The Art of Creation, move the universe to make it happen. Edward Carpenter said in that book The Art of Creation that "The house on the hill and the house in the mind are not necessarily two different things, they are one in the same". I can see his point.
Oh and by the by, I been using the term "Short Story Long" all the time in this blog, the term is the title of a song named "Short Story Long" by Vatrena King, from the indie movie starring Boris Kodjoe, "All About Us".
I have been playing that song everyday for 4 months, no exaggeration. In the video, she seems just like me (I'm a Chicago native having moved to Oregon), in that she just moved to a new town, and has a rare opportunity to look at her new life and the world from a healthy, fresh, "organic", perspective. Anyhoo, it seems the song is basically her "happy list", her expression of how she wants to live her life. I hope she doesn't mind me borrowing it for myself. Every life should have a theme song, and this song is mine. Gotta be my favorite song of all time. I feel you Vatrena, even if no one else gets you, or gets me. 🙂
….another article I wrote featuring Vatrena King can be found here. ~dw~
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