(a.k.a., "Soul Food")
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Food for Thought:
Pinterest shuts down my Pinterest Board because of my Kolin Kaepernick article
Food for Thought:
NFL Player walks away from Football to pursue Mathematics
How Lee Litumbe's Senegal trip helped me let go of thinking about "Slavery", and look to the future
Food for Thought:
Why Steph Curry Deleted all his Social Media
"A Brand New Ending"
(a.k.a., The most inspiring 5 minutes I ever had on the internet)
Goodbye Mom
Barbara Wallace
Food for Thought:
My Second Life
"Inner Strength"
Amna Al Haddad "Raises the Bar"
in Women's Weightlifting
Today is "A Beautiful Day"
...to start your new
Healthy Lifestyle and mindset!!!
Food for Thought:
The Sunset Effect
Tapping into my health and healing "Life Force" energy, the Qi (pronounced "The Chee")
Food for Thought:
Why I'm taking "A Knee" against
the Medical Industry
The Adventures of Lee Litumbe
(Part 2)
.. A Family Affair
I don't wanna be part of the 'Cellphone Culture'
"Can we Auto-Correct Humanity?"
Thoughts on a Cellphone and Social Media culture out of control
"I Wanna Do It All"
(a quick read)
...this kid reminds me of me :)
"They're Already Winners"
Chicago Little Leagues teaching us adults a lesson or two
from "Eat, Pray, Love"....
“Dolce far Niente”
(“The Sweetness of Doing Nothing”)
"The Day I Forgot My Age", On the Road to Becoming Caleb
Food for Thought: The Mayan Calendar, it WILL be the end of the world, but we'll still be here
Beauty is More
Than Skin Deep
My reflections on my time
living in Oregon
(and a great recipe "to boot" !)
Food for Thought:
"Be all you aspire to be"
(...photos of girl as famous women)
"Heal Thyself" (Part 1)
My website vs. a sudden illness that came after me
The Happy List: A.K.A. Short Story Long
Becoming CEO of "Me, Inc"
My thoughts as I plan to leave Corporate America
Food for Thought: "Don't Ever Give Up" (Jimmy Valvano's Speech, 20 years later)
Farewell to ESPN's Stuart Scott
Lolo Jones
Overcoming Life's "Hurdles"
(Pun Intended)
Unlucky 13: The first 13 years of Genetically Engineered Crops
"The Gangster Gardener"
he plants food and gardens in vacant lots in South Central L.A.
"Heal Thyself" (Part 2)
My website vs. ANOTHER ailment that came after me
"Ballet..something pure in this crazy world"
--Misty Copeland
Food for Thought:
"Your words have physical power"
--Will Smith
Let's not start trying to prevent a headache by cutting off the head
Short Story Long: Starting 2013 with a positive vibration
The Forest for the Trees (walking to work through a nature park)
Food for Thought: Boris Kodjoe's advice to women: "Keep it right in the kitchen"
Breast Cancer Awareness
Are we "aware" of Mother Nature's solutions?
Food for Thought: Stop Letting Societal Standards Dictate Our Actions
(a funny pic)
Food for Thought: Accept Yourself (just sharing a motivational phrase)
Food for Thought: Are we going for "The Gold" in our lives?
Food for Thought: Only 10% of plants have been studied for medicinal and health purposes
The way to a Woman's heart is through her stomach: Have a cook together date
"Life is....
(an original quote by me)
The scientific community's responses to nature's cancer cures seems somewhat "Nutty"
Give All Or Nothing
(Just Sharing a Pic)
We are the Earth
Food for Thought: Don't Follow Fitness Fads, Create Your 'Unique You' Program
Have we become "Hardwired"?
The Heavyweight Bout: Mother Nature vs. The Food Industry
The lady I met who could detect ailments simply by touch
Recognizing Depression
...and ways to overcome it
Year One of "Grain Free Me"
....a backwards glance
The Devil in a Blue Dress
(Why I won't fall for the Viagra Woman's temptations)
Record number of Americans getting injured due to mobile devices, mostly from walking into traffic
Misty Copeland "Its Time"
The First Black Principal Ballerina in the ABT
"Stay Patient"--Carmelita Jeter
(Sharing a couple of pics and a quote)
Food For Thought: Are we misreading cancer as they misread the black death 500 years ago?
The "YouTube Farmer"
Athlete walks away from $37 million
to start farm to feed the hungry
"Why I Got My Breast Implants Removed" --Melissa Gilbert
Healthy Eaters, Strong Minds
What School Gardens
Teach Kids
Inventing Diseases....
drug companies inventing diseases to boost drug sales
Civilization: It's cause and cure
African American biochemistry may not be compatible with Western medicine
Instead of giving her roses, I gave her "Rose and Almond" Fresh Baked Bread
Visual Medicine
Dancers Photographed by Melika Dez
Food for Thought: One Life, act accordingly
(just sharing a pic)
Everything you need is inside
(Just sharing a pic)
Food for Thought: 'To the mind that is still'
(Just sharing a pic)
Food for Thought: "Unwritten" a.k.a. Feel the Rain on Your Skin
3 Tips for Using a Transitional Period to a Healthier Life
Mississippi Farm Gets Produce and Meals to Kids Diring
COVID-19 Crisis