"I don't get my kicks on being right, I get my kicks on finding truth"
–me (Doug Wallace)
From a Reader named April: "just wanted to let you know, 10 months ago i started down the road to a complete change in health, diet, and lifestyle… your blog was one of the first ones i came across that i found real information regarding superfoods and great health habits and i'm so thankful for it! goji, himalayan salt, maca, raw honey, cacao, coconut oil… these are just a few of the things we've incorporated into our diets that were inspired by your blog, along with alternative sweeteners of course!" –april (a blog reader)
To April: Thanks April, I don't blog for money, comments such as yours are my payment (and inspiration)!!!! 🙂
The Gaia Theory postulates that all organisms and their surroundings on earth are closely related to form a self-regulating system. That system is called, Planet Earth.
The human body is also a Gaia system in that it, like planet earth, is also self regulating. Given the right conditions and the proper care, the body is totally capable of healing itself, sustaining itself, and performing all the tasks within itself that are necessary to keep it vibrant, alive, and healthy.
We must only make the decision to take control of our health through food and other relevant lifestyle choices.
I have been fortunate to enjoy perfect health all my life, having sustained nothing more than a decent number of bad colds.
Of course, this thing pertaining to health is not all about food. We must develop our mind, our spirits, and our instincts for optimal wellness.
If I can just say one heartfelt and passionate sentence, I just hate to see and hear about people suffering and/or dying from diseases that I truly feel deep down can be easily avoided with a little extra knowledge.
Whether I should be telling this story or not, my mother and all 7 of her sisters died of cancer. I remember at age 14, watching the preacher put his hands on her with some "ritual" of praying and healing, it looked real phony to me.
I remember saying half cynical and half passionately…. "If I ever get old enough to figure out about disease and do something about it, then I'm gonna do it". Well, I guess this is what I am doing.
I freely admit that I always wanted a part of my blog to be "fun and sexy". I think I can present a good balance between "fun and sexy" and "egghead health science", as long as everything I present is true to my mind's eye.
Everything here may not be for everybody, but I'm sure I have something for everybody.
Nonetheless, The great martial artist and philosopher Bruce Lee once said to a student that "I can only help you explore yourself". I hope that the Gaia Health Blog can accomplish the same thing.
Also, the famous poet Walt Whitman has a line in a poem in reference to the meaning of our purpose in this life: "That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse.” The Gaia Health Blog is "My Verse".
Best of health, happiness, and abundant life,
Doug Wallace
contact me at dxwallace AT gmail DOT com
Me: On Top of the World, a.k.a., Learning to Fly!! Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands, 2011
Below: "Top of the World" by the band "Brass Construction", 1977
(the first song from the first album I ever bought, everyone hated it, but it's still my theme song)