I have to pay tribute to the artists who inspired me to put together such a cool song/video….
…these geniuses allow me to be like a little kid on the beach, playing with a little music like a kid making sand castles in front of an ocean of great art.
The first shout out, to Ballerina Misty Copeland, hopefully Misty won’t delete my YouTube video for using her performance and likeness {chuckle}…
…though I should be fine, considering all the free publicity I give Misty on my site.
…plus, Misty said in an interview, there are hundreds of websites and social medial pages devoted to her legs, her feet, and everything else.
Misty said she finds it all flattering (and like with most famous people, they’re normally cool with it all, as long as you don’t try to monetize their images)
Then, there is Prince, who is inspiring to me in general, but when Prince and Misty Copeland did “Crimson and Clover” [2009]…
…when I saw that “Crimson and Clover” video, I was half in awe and half jealous.
Jealous, because I had the ballerina in a video idea in my head back in the 80’s, decades before I picked up a guitar.
Admittedly, not an original idea by me (very little I do is truly original), but more, my uniquely original take on Stanley Jordan’s video embedded below.
More on Stanley in a second….
Then, there is Michael Jackson, the original singer, I always liked that original song…
…but this was a rare case, with Stanley Jordan’s remake, where I liked the remake of a song more than the original.
That brings me to my shout out to Stanley Jordan….
However, back in the day, when I first bought Stanley Jordan’s “Magic Touch” CD, and after seeing the “Lady In my Life” video from the CD in the mid 80’s…
…I confess other than this song, I just wasn’t feelin’ that “Magic Touch” CD.
But, just to see where my head is in 2020, I downloaded the “Magic Touch” CD last month and had a listen…
…for the first time in 35 years.
Now I get it!!! Noooowww, I like totally get it where he was going with that CD!!!
I now call it “contemplative” and “introspective”, improv jazz guitar (I think I was thrown off in the 80’s cuz’ none of the other songs had an R&B backbeat).
New guitarists like me, when listening to the “Magic Touch” CD, or checking out any of Stanley skills, like Stanley playing two guitars at once…
…or when we see his signature “finger style” playing, us new guitarists will do one of two things.
Either we will throw our guitar away, because us newbie guitarists figure out real quick that we could never be anywhere near Stanley Jordan…
…who is a true “Savant”, as one of my Jazz aficionado boys in Chicago calls him.
Alternately, a new guitarist can take option “B” and do what I did, which to follow the lead of Stanley Jordan’s energy…
….and just use your guitar to feed your own soul, as a vehicle for you own unique expression, don’t worry about the Social Media “Likes”.
So that’s what I chose to do with my Epiphone Les Paul, a.k.a.., “The Lady in My Life”.
(I had always envisioned shooting my ballerina video when I bought a Gibson Les Paul, but couldn’t wait…. 🙂 )
Anyhow, let me do this video idea that’s been in my head for 35 years…ENJOY!!!!
Life, just like music, is all about…..
“…finding your ‘Frequency’ “
“…finding your ‘Vibration’ “
“…finding your ‘Wavelength’ “
-Doug Wallace (me)
~stay healthy~
Click here or photo below for all my tracks in….
“Music is the Best Medicine”!!!
(a.k.a., “The Soundtrack of My Life”) Copyright Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, just appreciation of the original artist via a Not-For-Profit Health Blog. All rights belong to the original artist, I don’t claim any. Right to use photos of the artist claimed under: Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
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