Not to get all off into the philosophical, I don’t like using terms such as “getting older”, or even telling my age anymore.
But, at “this stage of existence”, if I can put it that way, I’m moving to incorporating some new technology, and new of exercises techniques into my routine to stay youthful and healthy.
Why? To keep limber and agile, keep the back muscles healthy, to see how long I can drink from the “Fountain of Youth”, to push the upper envelope of what the human body can do…..
…..and to do all that, I must make use of all the technology around me to stay fit and healthy.
The real vision is to have some type of workout or obstacle course on my beachfront Caribbean crib, wake up, get loose, yoga, and do my “obstacle course” style, rigorous routine and drills.
But, no since waiting to my ship comes in, Adrian Peterson’s Driven App routine is a good way to get started…..
With the Adrian Peterson “Driven” App, you can monitor, track, and compare workout results, gradually push your upper limits and go for new goals…….
……..and even pump in your fav’ music to get “amped”!!!
Here are some of the exercises, for power, stamina, and agility, on this app…….
1. Speed Ladder
Perform foot patterns down the length of the ladder as quickly as possible with perfect form. Try to look straight ahead as you move.
Patterns: Two feet in, two out; backpedal, side shuffle
Sets: 2x each pattern
2. Reactive Step
Place cones in a 3-yard square. Rapidly chop your feet in the center of the square while a partner calls out cones. On cue, take a step toward the cone, then back to center. Your partner can also say “hit it,” which signals you to do an Up-Down. Keep your feet chopping throughout.
Sets/Duration: 3×15 seconds
3. Push-Up to Plyo Jump and Sprint
Lie on your stomach facing a wall of stacked bags. Quickly do a Push-Up while bringing your feet to your hands to reach a standing position, then jump over the bags. Land with bent knees and immediately explode into a 20-yard sprint.
Reps: 3
4. Prone Starts
Lie on your stomach with your palms flat on the ground at chest level and your toes tucked underneath. On your partner’s cue, push your chest off the ground and explode into a sprint. Alternate your lead foot on each rep.
Reps/Distance: 4×20 yards
5. Five-Bag Zig-Zag Sprint
Line up five bags in row, separated by a few yards each. Keeping your hips low, sprint forward to a bag, then shuffle sideways across it, moving through the entire ladder. Use your outside foot to cut around each bag.
Reps: 3
6. Med Ball Squat and Throw
Stand in an athletic position holding a med ball at your chest. Squat down until the tops of your thighs are parallel to the ground, then explode up, throwing the ball up as high as you can. Retrieve the ball after it hits the ground, and repeat.
Sets/Reps: 3×10
7. BOSU Push-Up With Leg Drive
Place your hands on the hard plastic side of a BOSU. Perform a Push-Up and drive one knee forward and over to your opposite elbow. Hold for one count, then repeat using the other leg. Continue alternating legs throughout the set.
Sets/Reps: 3×10
8. Double Swiss Ball Push-Up
Perform Push-Ups with each hand on top of a Swiss ball. Move slowly, keeping wobble to a minimum. Too tough? Try the move with just one Swiss ball, gripping it with both hands and lowering until your chest touches the ball.
Sets/Reps: 3×10
9. Lying Med Ball Chest Toss
Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and hold a heavy med ball at your chest. Extend your arms explosively to throw the ball straight up for max height. Catch the ball and immediately perform the next rep.
Sets/Reps: 3×10
10. Bent-Over DB Row
Bend at the waist until your chest is almost parallel to the floor. Hold two dumbbells with your arms extended toward the ground, then drive your elbows back to row the dumbbells to your chest. Lower the weights slowly and repeat.
Sets/Reps: 3×10
11. Dumbbell RDL
Assume a hip-width stance with your knees slightly bent, holding dumbbells in front of your thighs. Keeping your back flat, drive your hips back and lower the dumbbells down in front of your legs. Drive up to the start position and repeat.
Sets/Reps: 3×10
12. Single-Leg BOSU Rope Slams
Balance in a quarter-squat position with one leg on top of a BOSU. Hold one end of a battle rope in each hand. Rapidly lift the rope and slam it down, alternating hands, counting reps every time your right hand slams the rope.
Sets/Reps: 3×10 on each leg
13. Swiss Ball Leg Drops
Lie on your back with your legs straight up, holding a Swiss ball between your ankles. Keeping your back flat against the floor, rotate your hips to the left until the ball nearly touches the floor, then lift your legs and repeat to the right.
Sets/Reps: 3×10 each direction
14. Double Swiss Ball Rollout
Start in a Plank with each forearm on a Swiss ball. Keeping your back flat and core tight, slowly roll the balls away until your back begins to arch, then bring them back to the start. For an extra challenge, try rolling a loaded barbell.
Sets/Reps: 3×10
“I run to daylight when I see an opening”
–Adrian Peterson
to get app, go to to iTunes store, or go through this link
~stay healthy~
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all my articles in “Fitness”
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