Men’s Health: Nutrients for Male Vitality and Well Being (Part 2)

….a.k.a., “Dig In” !!!  (…to some vital Men’s Health info!!!)

I thought my boy Lenny Kravitz, now 50 years old, could help me out with some of that “Mature, Machismo, Male Vitality” vibe, to help me mask some of my “egghead, overly scientific” vibe that I’m always trying to hide over the web.

I wanted to touch upon another batch of food based Male Vitality nutrients…….

1) Selenium

2) Lycopene

3) Curcumin

Its not that I like to talk about “Morning Erections” ……..

… other men, but if “morning erections” are a gauge, then I’m really onto something here. Going on age 53, and looking back 4 years to when I was 49, if I am remembering this thing correctly, my morning erections weren’t there  like they are now.

Now, a day I wake up without my coveted youthful morning erection is a rarity, and even with that, I’m convinced those “no erection” mornings are simply because my natural sleep patterns is abnormally interrupted.

I’ve never been married…..

…… nor am I, shall we say, the most “sexually active” cat in the world, except for an occasional “incident” every blue moon (don’t feel bad for me, there’s a sense of spiritual freedom in the way I roll), and I don’t have to live under that “unspoken performance pressure” of the average middle aged married male.

I like being, what I call “a Camel” – Camels don’t freak out if that next water hole is miles away and forever in time away, we just chill, while every other cat is dropping like flies in the heat 🙂

I’m free to do what I do……

…..take my time, live my life, and solve some of these seemingly unsolvable problems that seem to weigh men down like an anchor.

If “quantum physics” ever hooks me up with the right “hottie”, cool, I’ll be ready, but the fullness of life is in the “single man’s now”, fullness of life doesn’t depend on the hottie, you feel me?

If I were married at 49, the downward spiral would have begun……

….men know what I’m talking about. Sexual vitality toward the wife waning, and countering that phenomena with standard “dumb jock” tricks to jump start the sexual psyche of the married male.

Yawl know what I mean…. strip clubs, flirting with the secretary at work, readily available internet porn, thinking about other women when having sex with the wife to get aroused (from what my married friends tell me), Cialis and Viagra from the well crafted TV commercials, and if all else fails, plain old adultery is the most practical way to “jumpstart the married man’s loins”. I never got married cause I wasn’t going out like that……..

That’s the blessing of being an self-taught, “egghead nutritional scientist”, as opposed to an uninformed and unenlightened “player” who thinks with his d$%#ck, floating downstream with no paddle straight to the “Niagara Falls of Married Man’s Chaos”. Oh-No…..Not The Kidd……

This thing [to me] is more about health than sex…..

Why? Because I think the correct food based nutrients get natural function of the prostate back into balance, and prevents issues such as enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, and sexual dysfunction

Not speaking as a doctor, but as a self-educated nutritionist who trusts his instincts and intelligence.

The Kid is Back!!!

I also remember 4 years ago that clear secretion from an erection was no longer happening. As I understand it, that clear penile secretion is the prostate gland secreting a fluid that neutralizes the acids in the urinary tract.

So what “seemed” to be the start of the natural progressive shutdown of prostate function, 4 years later is revitalized via food based nutrition. THE KID IS BACK!!!!

Plus, I’m getting a little “buffed and ripped”

… I said to myself looking in the mirror this morning. I’m more of a slim dude, and to put on muscle is actually hard for me. But I can see myself “beefing up” a little.

As I understand it, many of these nutrients help replenish natural testosterone (which doesn’t go away, its just “bound up” in the bloodstream and unavailable), which means there no reason to ever resort to DANGEROUS man made testosterone boosters, and “male enhancers”

…I ain’t saying I’m looking like Lenny, but when I look in the mirror, I say “Not Bad Dude…for 52”

I know I’m onto something here….

….the question is, how to I convince others? The answer? Keep Trying, make health and wellness “Trendy”, make health and wellness “Hip”, make it a “Cool Lifestyle”, keep running my mouth on the web. Like the title of that Craig David album………….. I was “Born to Do It” 🙂

Anyhooz, let me hit you cats up with another batch of “Male Vitality” nutrients…….


Powerhouse Source: Brazil Nuts

other sources: Oysters (and several other seafoods), garlic, broccoli, sunflower seeds, full list here
(I don’t advise selenium supplements, studies show them to not be effective and can possibly work against male vitality)

I’m dicing up brazil nuts and throwing them in my salads and over my salmon (and eating Oysters)

If you do web research on Selenium, you might end up thoroughly confused…..

Why? Many studies say selenium intake has no affect on prostate health, but many studies are conducted with supplements, or men already with prostate cancer (which is like trying to heal a gunshot instead of avoiding the gunshot).

Other studies say there is definitely a connection with selenium and prostate health, but my fear is the result of conflicting info is to ignore it all, thus missing out on one of nature‘s healing gifts……..


Powerhouse Source: Gac (a.k.a., Fak Khaao), my Gac article here

other sources: tomato, papaya, rosehip, guava, grapefruit

Gac Powder (from the Lycopene rich Gac fruit below) is on Amazon, and I throw it in my daily smoothies

Lycopene (a beta-carotene) is an antioxidant…….

…..that is rich in “red family” foods like tomatoes, watermelons, and pink grapefruits, with substantial evidence starting to “trickle” out on its ability to affect prostate health.  Tomato is “King of the Hill” in traditional Lycopene rich foods, but I think it is hard to take in enough tomato consistently to get desired effects.

Gac however, blows them all away, and will give a man all the Lycopene he need for prostate health and overall make vitality. I’m not just cutting and pasting off the web here. I know it works, as it was one of the nutrients that  healed my prostate ailment


Powerhouse Source: Turmeric

other sources: None (except for a Quality Curcumin supplement, which may be the only other practical approach)

The Spice that cures a hundred diseases……

….is what Turmeric is known as in Asia. Curcumin is the active ingredient that gives Turmeric its yellow color. The beauty of Turmeric/Curcumin is the research as pertains to overall health in general, and Prostate Health and overall Male Vitality in specific,  is endless and undisputable. My intake is not high in volume (Turmeric is only 3% Curcumin), but everyday……..

I drink 3-5 cups of green tea a day, and sprinkle a little turmeric in with ginger and cinnamon. I also sprinkle into my smoothies, since I’m not one to consistently spice my food with Turmeric.
Curcumin supplements are one of the few supplements I still recommend to friends and family (though you have to be careful of the many low quality brands, buy from my link above)

Maybe it’s true that women are oppressed…..

…but I think us men have been also been “duked”, and are the real “oppressed species”. Why? From what some of my married friends tell me, the pressure to keep that thing going is like the dude trying to keep the 10 plates spinning on sticks at halftime of the basketball game.

Now, big business and pharmaceuticals are jumping into the game, with their well crafted TV commercials, trying to convince us the solution is to pop a pill, without ever looking at the underlying problem……sigh

I don’t mean to play the “God Card”

….but when that Prostate Ailment came that after me last Thanksgiving, I think the “heavenly powers” had to take me through it, because they knew I would spend forever trying figure out what happened, and “Dig In” to  the healing powers of nature.

My “Male Vitality” discoveries came about by accident, I was just trying to get healed, but I got to the root of many of the so called “Male Issues”.

“Ask God to teach you, then persevere with a smile” –Lenny Kravitz

You know by now how I sling it in my blog, any excuse to play one of my favorite songs. But that quote from the Lenny song, “Dig In”, is definitely my mantra on these subject matters.

We gotta dig into these issues pertaining to our health and well being. Let’s take back our health and coveted youthful vitality. Trust me, you just have to get started and “DIG IN”, and the universe will direct you to the right information…… it always does for me!!!

~stay healthy~

you might also like….

Nutrients for Male Vitality (Part 1)                               Go to all my articles in “Men’s Health”

2 Responses


Your Blog is a Wealth of Information.



Hey Crimson, I noticed that you noticed me. That is the ultimate compliment, in that I’m not doing this for money, comments like yours are my only payment. All this it just a god-given passion, and a fun challenge to make health science digestible for the social media masses, and create a visually appealing fun place to stop. I was looking at the Vega Norway article again this morning and I said “I don’t care if anyone reads it, that is a PERFECT article”, cause it was really true to me.

P.S. Love your “Crazy/funky” Facebook page photos 🙂

Take care and thanks for the comment (I will get a compliment like this every two months or so, and it’s always a thrill!!!)

Doug at Gaia Health Blog



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The GAIA Health Blog
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(BELOW) Links to my favorite sites who are ”Raging Against the Machine”
(and also some fun cooking blogs)

One Bold Soul: Artist and Writer

(…”Healthy but Smart” is one of the best websites I’ve found, if you want to find unbiased, informative, and understandable research and info on superfoods and so forth, to aid in taking your health back!!)

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(same name, different blog, no need to fight about it)

Real Food Freaks

Kim’s “Nutritionally Well”

Special ‘shout out’ to this food blogger. Totally different style than me, but my favorite food blog in creativity. She inspired me to start my ‘Dinner and a Movie’ and “Wanderlust Food Diaries’ articles.
