….and why synthetic Vitamin E from supplements can be detrimental to Prostate Health
I thought these "young guns" might help set my theme for youthful male vitality.
I wanted to write one final article to tie together all the information I have been running across on this subject matter, and of course to do everything I can to beat home its importance to men.
I wrote two recent articles Culinary Argan Oil fights Prostate Cancer and Black Sesame Seeds Fight Prostate Cancer.
What is at issue here is the food based nutrient, Gamma Tocopherol, a form of vitamin E, for men to understand it, and make use of its health and healing powers, since it is almost imperative for over health, and Prostate Health in specific.
More Gamma Tocopherol equals reduced Prostate Cancer Risk
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health released the results of a huge study which showed that men with the highest gamma tocopherol blood levels had a fivefold reduction in prostate cancer risk. This same study showed that selenium and alpha tocopherol also reduced prostate cancer risk but only when gamma tocopherol levels were high.
What should know about Alpha Tocopherol (found mostly in Vitamin E Supplements)?
…That studies show that gamma-tocopherol, mostly found abundantly in certain foods available in the USA, but not alpha-tocopherol, inhibits growth and induces cell death in prostate and lung cancer cells but has no effect on normal prostate epithelial cells, according to several studies, including a 2001 Study by Quin Jang at Purdue
In my own laymen terms, the alpha tocopherol found in most supplements can further throw the male body more out of balance, and can possibly provoke prostate problems.
NOTE: not saying here that Alpha Tocopherol is not healthy, it is another form of Vitamin E. But, all these nutrients are made by nature to work in conjunction with each other via real food, as opposed to the isolated nutrients often found in synthetic supplements and man-made vitamins
The Science behind Gamma Tocopherol……
….is actually in its infancy right now. This is mainly because all the research and study in the past has been directed at Alpha Tocopherol.
Overseas research, especially in the Far East, where Asian Men have significantly lower rates of prostate cancer (and other cancers), is starting to pinpoint gamma tocopherol as one [of several] important players in nutrients that fight this disease.
Research in the USA seems to be grossly lacking, however, it seems the plant based nutrients that supply gamma tocopherol are readily available in the USA
I obsess about eating habits in the USA
If you invited me over for a barbecue, knowing I was a so called "healthy eater", you might be shocked that I have no problem munching on the same char broiled polish sausage with cheese and relish as everyone else…..although you might only see me wolf one down once or twice a year.
I can do that once or twice a year because my day in/day out eating always includes one or more likely two smoothies per day, packed with nutrients, and plant based protein, but at the same time loaded with pineapple, mango, strawberries, frozen diced banana (to give it that frothy milkshake taste)…..just saying all this to say it is so easy-peezie to get these heavy hitting nutrients into the daily diet.
I could never figure out why people won't take advantage of nature's gifts right in front of us
The "Big Boys" of Gamma Tocopherol, Vitamin E
Black Sesame seeds (left) and Culinary Argan Oil (right) are the "Big Boys" of Gamma Tocopherol (Vitamin E).
I add a Tablespoon of Black Sesame Seeds to my twice daily smoothies, and have a teaspoon of the awesome, roasted nutty, peanut butter-ish flavored Culinary Argan Oil in the morning, and I add it to fish salads, as a dipping oil, it is perhaps the most awesome tasting oil I have ever tasted….a good plus to keep me using it.
Other foods high in Prostate Cancer Fighting Gamma Tocopherol
black walnuts
English walnuts
pumpkin seeds (a very healthy seed for men!!)
flaxseeds (although there is a "possibility" flax may raise estrogen levels in men, my research was inconclusive, but just in case, I stay away from excessive flax seeds)
"Youth is wasted on the Young" –George Bernard Shaw
Was rapping with one of my fellow 50 year old health fanatics, and we were discussing this amazing 70 year old bodybuilder that I wrote an article on. I was explaining to him the details of a new exercise I was doing with 115 pound dumbbell…..pumping that iron keeping it real.
He was telling me that 70 year year old and fit thing is no problem for guys like us, but you have to apply yourself to understanding what you put in your body. He also has a fascinating philosophy about basketball star Derek Rose and his never ending injuries. My boy was explaining to me how nutrients regenerate body tissue, bone mass, and everything else…….but it seems folks in the sports world and the real world are ignoring it.
"Heal Thine Self "…….(being forced to practice what I preach)
I already know there is magic in these nutrients when I had a recent [possible] prostate issue, although could have been my bladder, or something else. It was brought on by myself I think, after taking the testosterone booster Tongkat.
Or, could have been some unknown infection…don't know. Whatever the hell happened, my urinary flow was almost cut off, and slight blood in the urine meant it was time for me to check into the hospital…and for all I knew, check off the planet.
The Most Important thing in the world …….when you lose it
…continuing on with my story, I just threw everything in the book (or shall I say everything from my blog) at the the issue, including black sesame seeds, argan oil, totally raw diet (except for wild caught salmon, to get healing Vitamin-D), and within two weeks I was totally healed…….and it went beyond healing, because I gained 20 pounds of muscle, and feel 2 times better than ever, and I have always felt great.
…and (hope not TMI), I was getting the coveted morning erections that I was trying to get from the Tongkat testosterone booster in the first place!!!
I'm trying to find out what the hell happened via a naturopath, I think doctors would have taken me on some crazy journey that did not heal me. Read my article on my experience and subsequent natural healing here.
Dudes, health and youthfulness is the most important thing in the world….when you lose it..
Take back your Youth!!!!
I know every man is not all up into the science of this stuff, but I am challenging everyone to take a a weekend or at least a day out of their lives to look into this stuff.
Hell, you can do it while the game is on!!
We don't have to suffer as much as we do in the USA from these ailments and diseases, we don't have to fear getting older, or expect everything to shut down and break, and for sure, we can have our youth and vitality much longer that we ever imagined. Trust Mother Nature!!!!!!
~stay healthy~
a very detailed (and overly scientific in case that's your thing) paper on everything pertaining to gamma-tocopherol can be found here
click here or below to go to all my articles in Men's Health
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