The quick comment, as I make with all my bread recipes, is that I'm not a huge bread eater anymore, but I still love occasional fresh baked quality bread, and I utilize papaya enzymes to digest gluten. Just thinking "outside the box" to address the gluten free, grain free movements.
Anyhoo, tricking friends into eating healthy is almost "no contest" anymore, except for the fact that I love see reactions when I whip something up, like these Salmon Sliders with a quality, zesty sauce like this homemade Chipotle Mayo.
Always cracks me up when watching the game with one of my brothers or other friends, as they bite into it and you catch them looking at the sandwich, saying mmmmmmm, what is this?
Salmon Sliders with Homemade Chipotle Mayo
* The original recipe called for bacon to make this a Salmon BLT, bacon is not my thing, but if yours, GO FOR IT!! Let your healthy eating evolve naturally…….
* 1 pound raw Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon (AVOID FARM RAISED SALMON!!)
* 1 teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt or alternately, Celtic Sea Salt (AVOID TABLE SALT)
* 1 teaspoon fresh Coarse Ground Organic pepper
* 2 organic tomatoes, sliced thick
* Organic Romaine Lettuce (or alternately organic Baby Spinach)
* Quality bread (everybody's in a a different place with breads, my advice is to try to avoid the ones with canola, cottonseed, soybean, or other low quality oils.) I use a quality millet and flax bread, and cut into 4 smaller squares to make a slider sized bun)
Ingredients for Homemade Chipotle Mayo (none of the store bought mayos have acceptable oils, most are canola and or soybean oil BOTH IF WHICH I AVOID!!!!)
* 2 egg yolks of pasture raised eggs
* 1/4 cup apple cider or coconut vinegar
* 1 tablespoon adobo sauce (from a can of chipotles in adobo)
* 1 tbsp organic Dijon mustard
* Pinch of Pink Himalayan Salt
* 1.5 cups of quality oil (you will have to feel this out depending on taste, I prefer a mix of olive oil and coconut oil, half and half, read my analysis of all oils here)
Directions for Homemade Mayo
Place the egg yolks in the bowl of the food processor and add adobo, vinegar and mustard. Season with salt, to taste. Turn the machine on and VERY slowly start to drizzle in the oil. Drip, drip, drip until the mixture starts to look like mayonnaise, then a slow steady stream of oil can be added.
Note: If the mayonnaise is too thick add a few drops of water or if it is not thick enough, with the machine running, add a little more oil.
Directions for Sliders
Broil or bake your salmon as normal. Remember, Salmon cooks quickly and dries out if overcooked. I like to add a little coconut oil to keep it moist and juicy
If broiling salmon, as opposed to baking, I highly suggest taking the time to figure out how your broiler can perfectly crisp salmon because it makes a world of difference! Spread some Chipotle Mayo on each bun, top with a square of salmon, a slice of bacon, a tomato sauce and lettuce. Eat!
The Healthy Chef's Corner
Contrary to perceptions, both coconut oil and Olive Oil help REDUCE BODYFAT.
Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon is one of the few convenient ways to increase one's CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT Vitamin D levels, Read more here.
Pink Himalayan Salt is totally different from table salt in that it contains 84 minerals in perfect balance.
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